Good Friday, SATURDAY, Easter Sunday

My sister sent me a photo via text message last night. Jesus was having a Zoom meeting at the Last Supper with His disciples and was looking for Judas. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.


Why do people call Good Friday “good?” I’m sure the disciples didn’t think it was a good day. Their best friend, their mentor, their roommate, their fish and bread winner was dead. Even though Jesus warned them multiple times, they didn’t quite get it until the cross was right in front of their faces.

That Friday wasn’t good for them, but it is good news for you and me. Typically a day where services are more somber and a time for reflection. I would venture to say that before we can celebrate Easter, we have to understand what it is and Who it is we are celebrating.

I read an excerpt from “Who Is This Man?” by John Ortberg this morning. He proposes that “Silent Saturday is the time in between despair and joy, this strange in between day.”

As I read on, I couldn’t help but think that this is what we are facing right now in this in between space moment of history. With COVID-19 effecting peoples’ health, economy, and changing our daily lives dramatically, many of us are in this “strange in between” space. In between jobs, in between what used to be and what we hope for, in between a paycheck and wondering how we will provide for our families…

Mamas, Papas, families, you are not alone. The disciples also experienced this Saturday 2,000 years ago. Ortberg questions, “What do you do with Saturday? You can wait. Work with God even when He feels far away. Rest. Ask. Whine. Complain. Trust.” 

It’s ok to be real with God. Abraham was. He questioned how could he possibly become the Father of Nations when he had no children and was old enough to be a great grandfather. Moses was. He questioned God’s choice of a spokesperson for His people, after all, he had a stutter. Mary was. She questioned Gabriel, “How can this be?” when she was told she would give birth to the Messiah when she had never been with a man.

On this Saturday, God is waiting for you to be real with the in between spaces of your heart. Don’t rush from Friday, skip Saturday, and get to Sunday. Press into this moment, this day, and this in between space.

What are you and your family “in between” right now, Mama? I’d love to hear from you! Share in the comments below.


*Quotes referenced from “Who Is This Man?” by John Ortberg

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